Fortunately, the price sensitivity of both demand and supply will increase with time. 幸运的是,需求与供应的价格敏感性都会随着时间逐渐上升。
We have tried to maintain price sensitivity, he said. 他说:我们一直在努力保持对价格的敏感性。
The first is price sensitivity. 首先,是价格敏感度。
As an alternative to short-term cash equivalents, our medium-term tax-exempts have-so far served us well. There is a relationship between bond prices and interest rates, and the maturity of a bond has an impact on its price sensitivity to interest rates. 当作短期约当现金的替代品,中期免税债券的表现还算不错,债券价格与利率的关系,以及债券期限的长短在利率变动时对价格构成了什么样的影响呢?
While price sensitivity may be an issue, it's more a case of companies determining the right mix of products, pricing, service, and store location, he added. 价格的敏感度可能是个问题,更多的是公司对正确整合其产品,价格,服务,商户地点等方面的问题。
One problem that consultants have always faced in the retail sector is price sensitivity. 价格敏感性是咨询公司在零售领域总会碰到的一个问题。
If the investor expects interest rates to fall, he should invest in longer maturity bonds which have higher price sensitivity to interest rates in order to maximise his re-turns. 如果认为利率会跌,那应投资于对利率较为敏感的长期债券,以争取更高的收益。
The price sensitivity of Chinese shoppers is another hurdle, says a Seven-Eleven official in Shanghai. 7-11驻上海的一位管理人士认为,中国消费者对于价格的敏感性是另一大阻碍。
In general, the price sensitivity of a two-year fixed income bond is twice that of a one-year fixed income bond. 一般来说,两年期债券的价格变动会相等于一年期的两倍;
The price competition in retailed sales of finished oil products industry is much to seen, but study of measurement of price sensitivity is not often noticed. 成品油零售行业的价格竞争较为常见,但对价格敏感度测量的研究工作并不多见。
The research result shows that price promotion strategy is able to increase customer's price sensitivity and effect on customer's loyalty. 研究发现,价格促销导致顾客价格敏感,淡化了顾客对厂商的信任、情感等内在动机,并对顾客的忠诚形成有负面影响;
Application of product price sensitivity analysis method can regulate product planning and keep production planning optimum status, which will effectively assure the benefit maximization. 应用产品价格灵敏度分析法调整产品计划,可使生产计划保持在最优状态有效保证企业的效益最大化。
The result of correlation analysis shows that there has a remarkable correlativity respectively between the brand loyalty and the individual income and between the price sensitivity and the educational background. 相关分析结果显示:品牌忠诚度与个人收入之间、价格敏感程度与受教育程度之间均有显著的相关关系。
The research shows that perceived risk has a positive moderating effect on the relationship between brand credibility and price sensitivity, and the intensity of moderating effect varies according to different dimension of perceived risk. 研究结果表明:感知风险对品牌可信性与价格敏感性关系起到正向调节作用,感知风险不同维度的调节作用强度不同。
On the basis of the model, it analyses the differences of price sensitivity of customers with different loyalty and the reasons for the differences theoretically. 然后以客户保持模型为基础,从理论上分析了不同忠诚度水平的客户的价格敏感性的不同及其原因。
This paper explores bidding algorithm considering the unit commitment constraints for electricity markets, puts forward the method of determining the operation time of unit commitment by price sensitivity, and proposes the backtrace algorithm. 本文对电力市场中竞价算法进行了研究,提出了以报价灵敏度决定机组开机时长的方法,并给出了一种有效算法;
Market Analysis Based on Brand Sensitivity and Price Sensitivity 基于品牌敏感和价格敏感的市场细分
Through experimental study, the authors find that consumers have different price sensitivity to different product. 本文通过实验方法探索性地研究了价格促销对消费者品牌选择的非对称影响。
Brand sensitivity and price sensitivity greatly influence the choice of consumers. 品牌敏感和价格敏感对消费者购买选择有重要影响。
How to reduce the consumer's price sensitivity is one of the important problems that managers are concerning about. 如何降低消费者的价格敏感度,让其心甘情愿的掏钱购买产品,就成为企业所关注的问题。
Taking some mobile brands on line market as example, this paper employs positive study to discuss perceived risk 'effect on the relationship between brand credibility and price sensitivity. 论文采用实证研究方法,以网上销售的手机品牌为例,探讨感知风险对品牌可信性与价格敏感性关系的影响作用。
Finally, it proposes the quantitative strategies for customer retention in the CRM system of enterprise based on the price sensitivity. 最后以客户价格敏感性为基础,得到了可供企业CRM系统借鉴的客户保持的定量策略。
Therefore, it is very important for manufacturers to find the factors reducing consumers 'online price sensitivity. 因此找到降低网上用户价格敏感性的影响因素对于厂商具有重要的意义。
However, when the ratio of delivery date and price sensitivity of customer exceeds a certain value, supply chain system should trade off between the service competitiveness and the maximum expected profit to select the decision-making power of delivery date. 然而,当顾客对交货期和对价格敏感度之比超过特定值时,供应链系统应在服务竞争力和最大期望利润间进行权衡来选择供应链交货期的决策权。
A mathematical modeling is established for the decision-maker to analyze how to adjust the production plan and the pricing strategy to maximize the profit of supply chain when market scale, price sensitivity coefficient and production cost are disrupted simultaneously. 主要采用数学建模的方法,分析了当市场规模、价格敏感系数和生产成本同时发生变化的情况下,供应链决策者调整产量计划和定价策略来保证供应链系统的最大收益的行为。
Price tolerance is an important construct for pricing strategies. Understanding consumer price sensitivity and affordability accurately can help company make its pricing and marketing strategies. 价格忍耐力是影响公司定价的关键因素之一,准确把握消费者对价格的敏感性和承受能力,是对企业定价方式和营销策略进行定位的关键。
If price sensitivity is bigger, the optimal prices of each channel will be lower and both of the manufacturer and the retailer will obtain lower profit as well; vice versa. 当需求的价格敏感系数值越大时,混合渠道中各个渠道的最优销售价格将越低,同时生产商与零售商将获得越低的收益;反之亦然。
Secondly, it is the UK, the use of market segmentation and accurate pricing techniques to develop a unique sales channels, to seizing the customer for the price sensitivity extent. 其次是英国利用了保险公司有效的市场细分和准确的定价技术开拓了非常具有特色的竞价销售渠道,极大程度上抓住了客户对于价格的敏感性。
Through citing an example of a practical project, by the method of thermal economics, for four different air conditioning programs and energy price sensitivity analysis are studied. 通过引证一工程实例,针对四种不同的空调方案,利用热经济学的研究方法进行对比分析,并对能源价格进行灵敏度分析。
But on the other hand, with the industry users of telecommunications network of high-quality demand, leading to this part of users of telecommunications services price sensitivity is much smaller than the public users, so they become carriers of high contribution rate stable user. 但另一方面,以行业用户对电信网络的高品质需求,导致这部分用户对电信服务的价格敏感性远远的低于公众用户,所以他们也成为了电信运营商高贡献率的稳定用户。